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USAF Kyu/Dan Testing Requirements

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AikiFit Total Body!

AikiFit Total Body!

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Aikido Weapons 4 Jo Basics & Handling

Aikido Weapons 4 Jo Basics & Handling

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Aikido Weapons Outdoors! 3rd Kyu Bokken Bridge Techniques Cont'd

Aikido Weapons Outdoors! 3rd Kyu Bokken Bridge Techniques Cont'd

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AikiFit: Shoulders Biceps Triceps CORE

AikiFit: Shoulders Biceps Triceps CORE

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5th Kyu (Gokyu)

Shomenuchi Ikkyo (omote & ura)
Shomenuchi Iriminage
Katatetori Shihonage (omote & ura)
Ryotetori Tenchinage (omote & ura)
Tsuki Kotegaeshi (tenkan)
Ushiro Tekubitori Kotegaeshi (omote & ura)
Morotetori Kokyunage (omote & ura)

4th Kyu (Yonkyu)

Shomenuchi Nikyo (omote & ura)
Yokomenuchi Shihonage (omote & ura)
Tsuki Iriminage (irimi, tenkan & tenshin variations)
Ushiro Tekubitori Sankyo (omote & ura)
Ushiro Ryokatatori Kotegaeshi (omote & ura)
Suwari waza:
Shomenuchi Ikkyo (omote & ura)
Katatori Nikyo (omote & ura)
Katatori Sankyo (omote & ura)

3rd Kyu (Sankyu)

Yokomenuchi Iriminage (3 variations)
Yokomenuchi Kotegaeshi (omote & ura)
Tsuki Kaitennage (omote & ura)
Ushiro Ryokatatori Sankyo (omote & ura)
Morotetori Iriminage (2 variations)
Shomenuchi Sankyo (omote & ura)
Suwari waza:
Shomenuchi Iriminage
Shomenuchi Nikyo (omote & ura)
Hanmi handachi:
Katatetori Shihonage (omote & ura)
Katatetori Kaitennage (uchi & soto mawari**)

*Instructor’s option depending on age and ability.
**Uchi & Soto mawari–Both inside (Uchi)
and outside (Soto) movements.

2nd Kyu (Nikyu)

Shomenuchi Shihonage (omote & ura)
Shomenuchi Kaitennage (omote & ura)
Yokomenuchi Gokyo (omote & ura)
Ushiro Tekubitori Shihonage (omote & ura)
Ushiro Kubishime Koshinage (2 variations)
Ushiro Tekubitori Jujinage (omote & ura)
Morotetori Nikyo (omote & ura)
Hanmi handachi:
Shomenuchi Iriminage
Katatetori Nikyo (omote & ura)
Yokomenuchi Kotegaeshi (omote & ura)
Jiyu waza and Randori (2 attackers)

1st Kyu (Ikkyu)

Katatori Menuchi – 5 Techniques
Yokomenuchi – 5 Techniques
Morotetori – 5 Techniques
Shomenuchi – 5 Techniques
Ryotetori – 5 Techniques
Koshinage – 5 Techniques
Hanmi handachi:
Ushiro waza – 5 Techniques
Tanto tori
Jiyu waza and Randori (3 attackers)


All 1st Kyu Requirements
Tachi tori and Bokuto waza
Jo tori and Jo waza
Henka waza***
Jiyu waza and Randori (4 attackers)


All Shodan Requirements
Tachi tori (2 attackers)
Kaeshi waza****
Jiyu waza and Randori (5 attackers)


Subject of examination to be determined by
examiner at the time of examination


Bokuto waza
-Techniques performed with bokken
Hanmi handachi
-Uke standing and Nage sitting
Jiyu waza
-Interval attacks w/nage varying techniques
Jo tori
-Disarm attacker of jo
Jo waza
-Techniques performed with jo
-One hand grab to wrist
-One hand grab to shoulder
Katatori Menuchi
-Grab to shoulder with strike to head
-Two hands grab to one wrist
-Freestyle–rapid “all-out” simultaneous attacks
-Both wrists held from the front
-Sitting–meditative posture
-Strike to forehead
Suwari waza
-Techniques performed while sitting
Tai sabaki
-Body movement
Tachi tori
-Disarm attacker of bokken
Tanto tori
-Disarm attacker of tanto
-Thrust or punch with closed fist
Ushiro Kubishime
-Choke from behind with wrist grab
Ushiro Ryokatatori
-Both shoulders held from behind
Ushiro Tekubitori
-Both wrists held from behind
-Strike to side of head
-Sitting–active posture

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